There is nothing better than shopping at Costco. Except playing CostCodle! How well do you really know the assortment of your favorite retain chain? We’ll see as you try to nail the price of a random item from Costco shelves in just six tries!
How to Play CostCodle
1. Look at the product on the screen. The name, the manufacturer, the packaging – it’s all laid out before you.
2. Type in a price. Any price, off the top of your head. Unless you just bought it yesterday and know it for sure, of course!
3. Higher? Lower? The arrows will spill the beans! If the price is shooting for the stars, you’ll see a helpful arrow pointing down. If it’s bargain basement territory, it’s the arrow’s time to shine up.
4. Keep up until you hit it. Remember: just six attempts!
5. You don’t have to be a penny-pinching prodigy. CostCodle is all about the love for close calls. Your $10 will do as $9.99. They wouldn’t give you the change anyway!
CostCodle might seem just another game, but it’s actually much more than that. With every guess, you’re honing your price intuition, becoming the shopping oracle you were always meant to be. So, whether you’re a seasoned Costco connoisseur or a virtual window shopper, CostCodle awaits your pricing prowess!